Friday, February 6, 2009

wisdom teeth...

well to start off this is my first blog ever!

not really sure what i'm going to write about but here we go...

I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday & i am told that i did some very funny things... so i am going to make fun of myself in this first one...

1) I am learning sign language & so when i first got to the recovery room i started signing letters to my dad (who knows NO sign language). the only thing he did understand was food... i was sooo hungry because you can't eat after midnight. which sucks by the way!

2) i finally woke up & became VERY emotional. my band-aid that i had on was just a cotton ball & tape. I started crying & saying pretty band-aid. but when you cant feel your mouth apparently it comes out very funny.

3)after i recovered somewhat from the band-aid incedent i relized that the doctor never asked me to count down. that was the ONE thing i was actually looking forward to. so i started crying AGAIN!!!

so there is your laugh for the day hopefully.


  1. bahahaha :)
    and crying because you don't remember me saying hi to you. haaaaa

  2. yeah. i forgot about that one...
    and pulling on my lip cause i thought it was gauze...
