Friday, June 19, 2009

This is the day...

That the lord has made...
Just thought I would let you all know that I am enjoying your emails. It gives me a little piece of home. We are off to the market in a few minutes then off to catch our plane. It is beautiful here & I just thought I would tell you I am thinking of you guys.

I hope you have a great weekend (tomorrow I guess... its already sat. here) God bless you :)


  1. Getting ready to enjoy a sunny Saturday here. Glad that you are having such a great time. Nice work on the updates...will keep the prayers coming. Love you and can't wait to have coffee with you when you get back. :)

  2. Rissa,
    It has been good to read all of your updates and see how many individuals are praying for you. I was sad to hear that I missed your call. The call made Dad and Drew's day. I have seven more days of Reading Camp. The 15 students keep hearing about you. If you could find them some candy or little trinket from your trip that would be awesome. They would probably like to meet you in person too. Have you given away the glow sticks? In one week we get to greet you. I am praying for you to finish strong and continue to be a blessing for God. Love ya, Mom

  3. Lovin' the updates! miss you and praying for you

  4. mommy--I was soo sad that I missed you! It was great to talk to them. I have given the sticks away in Cambodia & the kids LOVED them :)
    I'll look for some stuff but don't promise anything. I would love to meet them.

    Kandice-- I can't wait to talk to you. The blow up pillow thingy as been great. Thank you!

    Everyone I miss you!
