Monday, March 29, 2010


I can not believe I forgot to tell you that I got accepted to go on Operation Barnabas this summer!

If you want to know more or get emails to know what is going on and how to pray just let me know your email!


Sunday, March 21, 2010

my life.

here are a few pictures updating you on my life since my trip. sorry these are out of order from when they happened!

1) after a long summer apart, the best friends reunite at Momentum. We spent a week worshiping God at Robert Morris Univ.

2) Bekah and I took her little brother and some of his friends for the first time... not bad if I do say so myself :)

3) At momentum we did a service project... we didn't know why we were there until we saw this sign. Thank you Matt for showing the excitement!

4) For Christmas we went on a cruise. It was amazing. We got to touch dolphins and so much more!

5) the kurtaneck's got a mac for Christmas and we spend a lot of time taking pictures on it :)
this one is in McDanold's after studing for math.

6) winter retreat '10. this is my "small" group and I love them!

7) Our boy's high school basketball team is heading to STATE this weekend! These are my basketball buddies :)

8) my cousin sent me flat stanley! Nick, Kat-rina and Bekah at lunch!

9) This past weekend was the annual dinner theater! this year's theme was "Hee Haw" and it was the best one yet... and yes, I still am babysitting for this crazy couple!

10) I was on the varsity soccer team for my school this year. This is the two teams after our homecoming parade!

11) Bekah, Haley and I spent a day in Winona Lake and took pictures... well, Bekah took pictures and Haley and I modeled.

12) Haley had a birthday party and we all dressed up and walked around Wal-mart. We then went to church to say hi to people during the church camp out.

13) Mink (a foreign exchange student from Thailand), Haley, Bekah and I spent a day in Ft. Wayne shopping. It was fun giving Mink the American shopping experience. (my hair is still done from our cruise).

14) Leah, Haley, Bekah and I before heading in to one of the football games... Theme: cowboys & indians.

that's it for now!